Little League Oslo @ Valle Hovin Idrettspark
sep 2@11:00-16:00
Little League Oslo @ Valle Hovin Idrettspark | Oslo | Norge

Vålerenga Baseball inviterer til Little League-arrangement på gressbanen på Valle Hovin Idrettspark. Avgiftsbelagt parkering ved Vallhall Arena. Gangavstand til banen er ca. 100 m.

NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD
sep 4@20:30-22:00
NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD

Ordinært, månedlig møte i forbundsstyret.
Saker som ønskes behandlet bes sendes her senest 10 virkedager før møtet.

Little League-arrangement på Rud @ Rud Baseballbane
sep 9@10:00-13:30
Little League-arrangement på Rud @ Rud Baseballbane | Viken | Norge

ØHIL Royals Little League inviterer til baseball for barn på Rud lørdag 9. september. Arrangementet er åpent for barn mellom 6 og 12 år. Ta kontakt med Heidi Thorstensen i ØHIL Royals om du ønsker ytterliger informasjon.

Kamp 1 @ kl. 10:00
Kamp 2 @ kl. 11:15
Kamp 3 @ kl. 12:30

NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD
okt 2@20:30-22:00
NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD

Ordinært, månedlig møte i forbundsstyret.
Saker som ønskes behandlet bes sendes her senest 10 virkedager før møtet.

NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD
nov 6@20:30-22:00
NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD

Ordinært, månedlig møte i forbundsstyret.
Saker som ønskes behandlet bes sendes her senest 10 virkedager før møtet.

NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD
des 4@20:30-22:00
NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD

Ordinært, månedlig møte i forbundsstyret.
Saker som ønskes behandlet bes sendes her senest 10 virkedager før møtet.

@ Idrettens Hus, Ullevål Stadion
jan 27@10:00-jan 28@16:00

NSBF inviterer til trenerseminar på Ullevål Stadion og Norges Idrettshøgskole 27. – 28. januar 2024, i samarbeid med International Sports Group (ISG).

Dagsprogram (last ned her):
Saturday, January 27th @ NIH
10:30-11:00 – Welcome & Registration by NSBF
11:00-11:45 – Breaking Down the Basics of Pitching by Derek Johnson
11:45-12:30 – Hitting Fundamentals and Situational Drills by Mark Baldwin
12:30-13:30 – Lunch
13:30-14:30 – GYM: Practical Application
14:30-15:15 – GYM: Drills
15:15-16:00 – GYM: Hands-On Coaching
16:00-16:15 – Break
16:15-16:45 – Coaching Motivation: Why do you show up to Coach? by Troy Urdahl
16:45-17:15 – How to Build a Catcher by Mark Baldwin
17:15-18:00 – Q&A

Sunday, January 28th @ Ullevaal
09:00-09:45 – The Sports Environment: Creating the Ideal Sport and Learning Environment for Today’s Athlete byTroy Urdahl
09:45-10:30 – Throwing Programs to Develop your Pitchers by Derek Johnson
10:30-10:45 – Break
10:45-11:30 – Coaching Fundamentals: Designing and Executing Effective Training Sessions by Troy Urdahl
11:30-13:00 – Lunch
13:00-13:45 – Becoming a Coach of Positive Significance by Pat Doyle
13:45-14:30 – Outdoor and Indoor Practice – MAKE IT FUN!! by Mark Baldwin
14:30-14:45 – Break
14:45-15:30 – Q&A
15:30-16:00 – Conclusion & Raffle


Dr Troy Urdahl
Director of Athletics, Activities, and Facilities for the St. Anthony-New Brighton (Minn.) Author of the book, «Chasing Influence».
Todd Naskedov
Todd Naskedov is entering his third season in the Reds organization. The 2024 season will be Naskedov’s seventh year in professional baseball after more than 20 years as a coach at the high school or college levels. He was the pitching coach at Single-A Daytona in 2022 and High-A Dayton in 2023, both in the Reds organization.
Naskedov spent four years as a coach in the Houston Astros organization before joining the Reds. He was the pitching coach at Single-A Fayetteville in 2021 after three years as the Astros pitching rehab coordinator at their complex in West Palm Beach, Florida. Naskedov coached college or high school baseball in Arizona, Oregon, Texas, and Washington, has coached with USA Baseball’s national team program, and has coached abroad in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands as a Major League Baseball international envoy. Naskedov, 47, is originally from Kelso, Washington
Mark Baldwin
Mark Baldwin began his high school baseball coaching career at his high school alma mater, Hampshire Regional, then after two decades at Northampton High School where he retired as the school’s all-time wins leader, he returned to Hampshire to lead the baseball program. In his career he has amassed nearly 300 wins, captured several league championships, and qualified for post-season play 15 times. Over forty of his former athletes have gone on to play collegiate sports, including his two daughters, whom he coached. He has also coached high school basketball and soccer. Coach Baldwin is past-president of the Massachusetts Baseball Coaches Association, a current MBCA Executive Board member, a member of the National High School Coaches Association, and a 2019 inductee into the MBCA High School Coaching Hall of Fame.
Pat Doyle
American Baseball Coaches Association Hall of Fame member with decades of college, high school, and International coaching experience.
Pat managed MLB International’s envoy program for many years and has coached the game on nearly every continent it is played.


NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD
feb 5@20:30-22:00
NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD

Ordinært, månedlig møte i forbundsstyret.
Saker som ønskes behandlet bes sendes her senest 10 virkedager før møtet.

NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD
mar 4@20:30-22:00
NSBF Forbundsstyremøte @ TBD

Ordinært, månedlig møte i forbundsstyret.
Saker som ønskes behandlet bes sendes her senest 10 virkedager før møtet.

Forbundstinget 2024 @ Idrettens Hus, Ullevål Stadion
mar 17@12:00-16:00
Forbundstinget 2024 @ Idrettens Hus, Ullevål Stadion | Oslo | Norge

Tinget avholdes med personlig fremmøte.
Dersom møtet avholdes som hybridmøte (fysisk/digitalt) vil påmeldte deltakere vil motta egen lenke til Teams for deler av programmet.

Start er søndag 17. mars kl. 12:00 og forventes avsluttet senest kl. 16:00. Ved hybridløsning vil stemmeberettigede representanter motta egen informasjon og tilgang til avstemmingsløsning.
Saker som ønskes behandlet bes om å være sendt inn senest 17. februar.

Send inn saksinnspill.

Direkte etter forbundstinget vil nytt styre avholde konstituerende styremøte.

Saksdokumenter til forbundstinget 2024 (kommer senest 3. mars):
1) Saksliste med agenda for Forbundstinget 2024
– Utkast «Langtidsplan 2024 – 2027»
2) Styrets Årsrapport 2023
3) Årsregnskap 2023
4) Revinsjonsberetning 2023
5) Kontrollutvalgets rapport
6) Budsjett 2024
7) Valg 2024-2026 (se pkt. 1)

Protokoll Forbundsting 2023

Påmelding til Forbundstinget
Delegatskjema 2024